Friday, June 4, 2010

Is it really June?

Because the weather seems to think it's March. I'm beginning to wonder if our fair city will EVER seem summery. My poor kiddos are going absolutely mad being inside all the time and dashing outside to play for five minutes then running back inside to wait out a rain shower that lasts for half an hour is getting kind of old.

So today we baked bread. Bailey loves to watch the mixer go round and round and round. I mean, she LOVES it. Gets transfixed. It's hilarious.

She also likes to stick her nose into the bowl and take a big sniff. "Mmmmm...Mommy. Smells like dough." And then she runs amok with all my measuring cups and spoons, shrieking with delight. Sigh. At least we get to eat this with our "sgabetti and neatballs" tonight.

And the best part is that the whole house smells like a bakery. I love that.


  1. I think I would like this recipe! YUM

  2. Yum! That looks amazing! My little one loves the mixer too, they are fun toys.


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