Tuesday, July 13, 2010

More fun in the sun

Went to Oaks Park and rode all the kiddie rides in the 90 degree heat last weekend. Kids had a GREAT time but Mommy was worn out.

Bailey likes the carousel and the airplanes that go up and down. The Frog Hopper is Owen's hands-down favorite. He rode it three times in a row.

Not much sewing being done in these parts, but we are trying to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend a lot of time outside. Looking forward to the PMQG meeting this week to try my hand at hexies!


  1. So fun! We went last Wednesday, Vaughn was not brave enough for the frog hopper, but we rode the carousel and train 3x each!! Also the machine gun planes were a hit. Not much sewing happening here either. But we get to do hexagons on Thurs! See you then!

  2. It was so Awesome to meet you last night, I will get that super fun package ready for you.


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