Friday, July 16, 2010

Hooked on hexies

Our "theme" at last night's PMQG meeting was HEXAGONS! There was lots of fun show and tell and a lovely presentation about some of the different ways to make hexies and then we broke up into smaller groups to work on making our own little six-sided pieces of fabric yumminess.

I kind of have a little crush on this guy with the flowers. So cute.

One of my favorite things was seeing what Christina could do with just one hexie and a minimal but magical bit of embroidery. She turned a single hexagon into different animals or a tree or some such cuteness. I think I have to steal, I mean borrow this idea and make a couple of softie books for my kiddos to play with.


  1. Yay! That was so fun! It's seriously hard not to get hooked on those little suckers...

  2. Thanks! It was fun seeing others get as excited about that idea as I was. I have a crush on your little space kitty!


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